Saturday, June 6, 2015

Welcome to Dante's Blue Jeans

A great and terrible scene from my favorite movie, Apocalypse Now

"I like beautiful melodies telling me terrible things." said Tom Waits of his craft. If you feel the same way, you've come to the right place. 

The name's Andersen. I'm a writer. And I'm writing this blog because I like beautiful melodies telling me terrible things. I love music, film, literature, art, and the occasional car commercial, because they tell me great and terrible things in great and terrible ways. My goal in writing this blog is simple: to turn people on to good shit. 

In the process, I also hope to do some good writing...if only to combat the bad writing that plagues the blogosphere. There's an eternal riptide of bloggers out there, blogging their obvious opinions and unoriginal ideas and reaching only those who agree with them; all without writing a single sentence of beauty, moxie, or style

And when the artist does something with style, with honesty, the bloggers respond with ridicule. Welcome to the future, where praise is reserved only for the artist who reflects the blogger's "ideals". "Pay your dues to the fashionable discourse or we'll shut you up real quick, by any means necessary." That's the game.

Nevertheless, good art and interesting ideas continue to slip through the cracks. And for me, there is no other way to get the word out than to do it with style. In the words of Charles Bukowski, "Style is the answer to everything."  

Whether or not I can do this thing with style is still a mystery. What I know I can do, though, is tell you about the work and ideas that I find beautiful. In the meantime, I've posted a few articles from my old blog so you can get a rough idea of what to expect in the future. So stay tuned, freak out, and keep looking for the dangerous things. 

Welcome to Dante's Blue Jeans

-Andy Andersen, June 6, 2015

1 comment:

  1. I'm still waiting to hear about all the good stuff you hoped to turn me onto. I miss your writing. Anyhow, hope all the beautiful melodies in california haven't started telling you non-terrible things. (The only reason I can think of that this blog hasn't taken off).


    A concerned reader
